

The Residency in Architecture, Urban Planning and Engineering (RAU+E/UFBA) has a coordination and a collegiate integrated by Professor Angela Gordilho Souza, the proponent of such program, since 2013, and professor at the Post-graduate course in Architecture and Urban Planning (PPGAU-UFBA). The other members are professors: Elisamara Emiliano (Vice-coordinator); Naia Alban Suarez (Director of FAUFBA); Marcia Sant’Ana (Coordinator of PPGAU-UFBA); Tatiana Bittencourt Dumet (Director of EPUFBA); Heliana Faria Mettig Rocha (FAUFBA); João Maurício Santana Ramos (FAUFBA); Daniel Marostergan (FAUFBA); Carlos Bomfim (FAUFBA). A representative of the student body must also be indicated after admission, thus constituting a board of ten (10) members.


The activities must meet the minimum period of 14 (fourteen) months and a maximum of 16 (sixteen) months, with a total of 40 academic credits: 408 hours of teaching period - 24 credits; 340hours in classroom and 68 hours for the final work (research by design) and 16 credits of fieldwork (minimun of 960 hours of residency extension activity), in a total of 1,368 hours, distributed over three periods:
1st. Period – Courses, seminars and orientation to build a Work Plan to be developed during fieldwork: total of 4 (four) months.

2nd. Period – Residency for social interaction, fieldwork and participatory diagnosis: minimum of 8 (eight) and maximum of 10 (ten) months.

3rd. Period – Preparation and presentation of the Final Work: 2 (two) months.

Disciplines and Activities
There are 5 (five) disciplines. Each one has a total of 68 hours, 4 hours a day, every weekday during the semester. All disciplines are divided into three (3) modules, which allows a broader collective range of professors, with greater possibility of enriching, exchanging and disseminating knowledge. The fifth discipline, Thematic Seminars, covers the extensionist activity, completing the academic tripod that includes teaching - research - extension.

The course includes the following disciplines:


1- Production of Space, Urban Policies and the Right to the City

2- Urban Design, Infrastructure and Environment

3- Planning and Design of Architecture, Urban Planning and Engineering for Technical Assistance

4- Methodologies and Techniques for Participatory Design

5- Thematic Seminars

The other extensionist activities cover social interaction and fieldwork, in a minimum total of 1,282 hours and a maximum of 1,368 hours. The Final Work corresponds to a total of 68 hours, to be presented in the format of portfolio and pannels, including graphic products and a descriptive memorial.